Success Stories focus on veteran travel advisors and how they achieved success. Here’s a look at Tricia Peacock, president of Peacock Travel Group.

How did you get your start as a travel advisor?

I have always been passionate about travel and music. My opportunity arose after graduating from college in 1982, when I was able to purchase a small travel agency. Being strong willed, I always planned to have a career. As a classical pianist computers were new to our business world and keyboards, like piano keys, became my new best friends to opening the world to my community. I believe that hard work can pay off, and as my father always told me, ‘Treat people with kindness and care, just like you want to be treated.’

How did you build your business over the years?

I built my business with hard work, volunteering in community groups and communicating my passion of making dreams come true for clients. Whether it was a quick weekend trip to Dallas or a trip around the world, my clients’ wants and needs were always at the forefront. When you love what you do, people can feel your excitement.

With six storefronts in four separate cities, I learned many lessons by trial and error. Ownership means you do it all and your day doesn’t end at 5 p.m. 

In 2015, I embraced, with some concern, the implementation of home offices and independent contractors. Timing is everything, and it was the best decision for the future of the company. I now focus on empowering our team to excel in their travel business and learn from the very best mentors. Flexibility is key to having a happy and motivated team.

What characteristics make you a successful advisor?

I lead by example with much passion and adaptability. Our industry has come full circle in building resilience to the numerous challenges and changes that land on our doorstep. I’ve set high standards and goals, consistently exceeding expectations and keeping the company on the cutting edge of travel technology.

I think that you cannot communicate too much (especially with women) by a phone call or a Zoom/Teams meeting, which cuts down on misunderstandings. With this outlook, you will see everything happening for you versus happening to you – and this allows you to have a clear vision of where you are going.

I’m known as the ‘cheerleader’ for our team, focusing, listening and encouraging them to take one step at a time. I embrace surrounding myself with strong-willed, intelligent individuals who challenge me to be my best. I am grateful for my vice president, now my business partner and friend, and we are stronger together. 

As a breast cancer survivor, I am thankful for each morning’s sunrise. My husband, an oncologist, has emphasized living each day like it might be your last. He and his team saved my life, and I will always choose the half-full glass!

What have your greatest challenges been?

Learning to balance work and life issues has been my greatest challenge. I am a reformed (somewhat) workaholic and finding that equilibrium is an ongoing struggle, especially when you love what you do.

The deregulation of the airlines, starting in 1995, just two months after I had opened my second location, was daunting. Talk about second-guessing myself!

Additionally, 9/11 and the COVID pandemic stand out as challenging times in my career. Being a divorced single mom in a male-dominated society was very scary, but I chose to use that energy to working smarter.

What have your greatest accomplishments been?

I am proud to be a Signature Travel Expert Select expert for Italy, my second home, and also an affiliate of Frosch Travel.

Recognizing and mentoring women to be self-sufficient, run their own business and experience success is my fuel to keep leading.

I have learned that not just surviving but thriving in this exciting travel industry is obtainable, and I am blessed with the very best team of business partners and advisors available.

I am also a proud member of Female Leaders in Travel and Travel ALLIES Society, both of which are by invitation only. Experiencing these networks of the very best of travel powers is electrifying. We support one another, share information wholeheartedly and banish the bounds of competition traditionally fueled by division and jealousy in the past. 

Trusting in love again and marrying my best friend who shares my passion for travel, life and family was a leap of faith that took five years of dating before tying the knot and is the number-one best decision in my life.

Also leading and volunteering at one of our state’s largest food pantries and serving as the [resident for the past six years brings me joy. 

Co-Chairing with my husband the two largest non-profit fundraisers in our state is quite an accomplishment and has touched my life in so many ways. AMS Gala for Life 2018 and the Arkansas Symphony Opus Ball 2022 are meaningful to me because The Winthrop P Rockefeller Cancer Institute not only saved my life but supported my husband’s career, and the Opus Ball raised money to bring music training to youth all over our state, something I was able to benefit from in Carmel, Calif., growing up. 

What tips can you provide advisors new to the industry?

I encourage advisors to make yearly goals that are obtainable and to be accountable to themselves on a regular basis. Having a mentor to go over those goals with you, so they can laser focus on what your priorities are and help pave your way with encouragement and follow up, keeps you on the path. 

I recommend advisors learn to be adaptable in business, learn from their mistakes, revel in their victories and own it. 

It’s important to ask yourself: ‘What makes your eyes light up?’ and then become a specialist in that area by reading, training and visiting. Find your niche based on your talents and never stop training, learning and visiting that area.

Don’t wait! Take your ideas and turn them into successes or learning moments.

Think outside the box and be fearless as a trailblazing, innovative leader. Be a shining example of excellence for others to recognize and follow.

Lastly, be kind in all you do.

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